Our teams consist of people from all over the world who work hand in hand with one another.
When others are still lolling in their warm beds, the drivers and team of our winter service are already hard at work clearing the snow. If it has snowed through the night, their day's work begins at 04:00. For years, the Volken Group has been helping to ensure that traffic routes, pedestrian zones, various side roads and squares in Upper Valais are free of snow and ice - from Fürgangen to Bellwald, in Ausserberg and Eggerberg and from the village of Reckingen to the railroad station and on to Bitsch. Wherever the snow has been cleared, various salters follow. Several snow blowers are used to keep these long stretches of road reliably free and clear of snow, as well as over a dozen trucks, transporters and snow loaders and vehicles for salting. An important task that is carried out around the clock as required and is prepared months before the first snow falls.