We have well-established safety measures in place to protect our employees and the environment.
In the end, the drinking water pipeline will "only" be 350 m long, but the path to get there is arduous. A real challenge for the Volken Group's civil engineering specialists, who are digging a 1.2 m deep trench in the up to 70o steep terrain, backfilling it with 800 m3 of earth and flying in around 20 m3 of concrete by helicopter. The ground conditions are also challenging: the water pipes with a diameter of 15 cm cross grassland, road fills and rock bands. A walking excavator from Menzi Muck provides valuable assistance here. It is removing a total of 100 m3 of soil, excavating 500 m3 of earth and clearing around 300 m3 of rock out of the way. The strictest protective measures apply. As there is a hiking trail and the cantonal road below the pipeline, no boulders that could thunder down into the depths are allowed to come loose.
Do you also have to lay pipes in rough or steep terrain? Our experienced civil engineers will always find a feasible route.