- Client: Canton of Valais
- Site management/reference person: Canton of Valais / David Miesch
- Site manager/foreman: Zenklusen Nicolas/Pfaffen Anton
- Construction period: Low water period 2015/16 + 2017/18
- Construction costs: CHF 14.0 million
Technical data:
- 60 micropiles
- 1'400 tons block throw
- 47,000 tons of block set
- 12'543to groynes
- 1'868to block set bar
- 5'645m3 Filter material (seepage body)
- 20'000m2 coconut felt
- 42'500m2 Coconut mats
- 310'000m3 Excavation
- 130'000m3 backfill/backfill
- 14'000m3 inert material
Description of the project:
The flood protection measures of the 2nd Rhone correction no longer provided sufficient protection. This was clearly demonstrated by the floods in 2000. The 3rd Rhone correction pursued 3 objectives: Flood protection, environmental protection and socio-economic concerns. Well over 60,000 tons of stones, combined with various fleeces, mats and plants, were used to protect the banks in Lot 3b/7b.
- Work in the water area (hydraulic engineering)
- Short construction time
- Up to 20 machines in use