- Client: Baulink AG, bern / AXA Winterthur
- Construction Manager / Reference Person: SRP Schneller Ritz + Partner AG, Brig
- Construction Foreman / Foreman: Isler Rolf / Steiner Erich
- Construction time: May 2014 until summer 2015
- Baukosten: CHF 12.0 Mio
Technical specifications:
- 40'000 m2 formwork
- 15'200 m3 concrete
- 1'500t reinforcement
Object description:
The construction work was carried out by the consortium Walpen AG / Frutiger AG.
- Lead management: Walpen AG
- Tech. Management: Frutiger AG
- Commercial management: Walpen AG
New construction of apartment and commercial buildings with a two-storey car park in the basement.
Special requirements:
- The foreman on the construction site was from Walpen AG.
- Short construction time for the main works (7.5 months).
- Participation Walpen AG 50%