
Renovation shooting ranges (Kopie)

  • Client: Municipality of Goms, 3998 Gluringen
  • Construction Manager / Reference Person: FUAG Forum Umwelt AG / Christian Glenz
  • Construction Foreman: Pierluigi D'Onofrio
  • Foreman: Elmar Pfammatter
  • Construction time: September / October 2020
  • Construction costs: CHF 120'000.--


Technical specifications:

  • 290 to disposal soil washing plant


Object description:

Regarding the shooting ranges in Biel/Grafschaft, Reckingen and Münster, the Department of the Environment states that the bullet traps are a contaminated site in need of remediation. In the course of the present remediation under the law on contaminated sites, the lead contamination is now to be removed up to the required remediation values. The topsoil and the subsoil in the area of the ball catchers are heavily contaminated with lead in places. Remediation of the bullet traps will require disposal of the contaminated material in accordance with the law.


Special requirements:

  • Very short construction time  
  • Work in steep terrain
  • Temporary construction slope over the Rhone

Contact person

Pierluigi D'Onofrio

Department Manager Pollutant Remediation
Technician HF / Construction manager SBA

+41 79 368 63 62

+41 27 948 05 48